Sunday, May 17, 2020

Community Supervision Is Not A New Concept - 1335 Words

Introduction Adult Probation, also known as community supervision is not a new concept that is occurring in today’s criminal justice system in the United States. In the year 1841, John Augustus introduces probation in the United States in Boston and later recognized as the â€Å"Father of Probation† (Petersilia, 1997). John Augustus convinced a judge to release a drunkard into his custody to help the man find a job and become sober. After Augustus’ success in his first case, he began to offer his services to other individuals involved in criminal activity. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately 267,400 Ohio residents were under community supervision at the end of 2013. With a high amount of individuals on probation in Ohio, the question should be asked â€Å"How can adult probation departments around the state of Ohio have the greatest impact on such a large group of individuals?† At Summit County adult probation, this student has observed that most probation officers have caseloads with approximately 120-140 probationers at any one time. Probation officers have a difficult time giving adequate attention to each offender on their caseload. Petersilia stated in her article â€Å"Offenders in large urban areas are often assigned to 100-plus caseloads, in which meetings occur at most once a month,and employment or treatment progress is seldom monitored. As long as no rearrest occurs, offenders can successfully complete probation whether or not conditions have beenShow MoreRelatedProbation Parole And Parole Case1367 Words   |  6 Pages Approximately 1 in 51 adults in the United States was under community supervision at yearend 2013, the lowest rate observed since 1996 (Herberman Bonczar, 2014, p.1). Probation/parole supervision also known as community supervision, helps individuals (ex-criminals) acclimate back in their community. Probation is used when a judge chooses to let the offender serve his sentence under officer supervision in the community, rather than in prison. It is usually given to individuals that have committedRead MoreFor My Research Paper, I Desired To Learn More About Juvenile1474 Words   |  6 Pagescrime was as low as homeless ness. However, in 1830, the Maryland adopted the policy of separating juvenile delinquents from adult criminals. 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Instructional leadership is the implementation of strategic planning concepts regarding quality instruction. Instructional leadership warrants the utilization of essential materials and resources, composing effective goals and objectives, and evaluating teacher performance in relations to quality instruction. Guiding and supporting educators with the intention of generating effecting learning environments drives instructional leadership. MoreRead MoreEssay on History of Corrections1749 Words   |  7 Pagesthey could reflect on their past miss-deeds†¦and be reformed,† (Clear, Cole, Reisig). The American penitentiary and its new concept was observed and adopted by other foreign countries. The Pennsylvania system of the penitentiary was based on inmate isolation so that they could ponder their past behavioral choices. In this system the inmates were confined to labor on their own. In New York they had a different system, known as the Auburn system. This system differed from the Pennsylvania system becauseRead MoreProbation Parole : Probation And Parole1541 Words   |  7 Pagessociety accept this program and the people? Is probation/parole effective and why. How the probation and parole system is governed and how effective is it? Probation vs Parole differ in regard to the period during which an offender is placed under supervision. Is probation effective and why. When an individual is supervised as an alternative to imprisonment it is known as probation. The probation process is less expensive then providing years of care with in the prison. The system benefits not justRead MoreProbation : Probation And Parole1544 Words   |  7 Pagessociety accept this program and the people? Is probation/parole effective and why. How the probation and parole system is governed and how effective is it? Probation v s Parole differs in regard to the period during which an offender is placed under supervision. Is probation effective and why. When an individual is supervised as an alternative to imprisonment, it is known as probation. The probation process is less expensive than providing years of care within the prison. The system has benefited notRead MoreParole Is The Release Of A Convicted Offender1230 Words   |  5 Pagesthe law, which suspends the convicted offender’s sentence for a period of time and releases the offender back into the community under specific conditions (Alarid Del Carmen, 2012). The start of probation can be linked to England’s criminal law. During Henry VIII’s time, harsh sanctions were placed on adults and children for violations of the law that were sometimes minor (New York City Government, 2015). The upper class members of the society eventually became dissatisfied with the harsh punishments

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