Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Information Technology Service Management and Opportunities

Question: Discuss about the Information Technology Service Management and Opportunities. Answer: Introduction: In this project report the detailed description of case study has been given in which implementation of the ITSM in the NNIT is performed. NNIT is discovered in Novo Nordisk in the form of an internal department of IT. This case study has a main objective to reveal some set of information to the organization of IT to specify like the way of starting a project, how an organization can fight with the challenges at the time of initiated a project, what to be done in which way or what not to be done and also acquire information regarding the benefits and outputs that are to be attained at the end of project implementation. There are many organizations who delivers IT services claim that they are using service portfolio along with service catalogue. But most of IT organizations are sure about the both term not even properly know the difference between them. With the help of this project report confusion between the both term service catalog and service portfolio will be cleared and that w ill be beneficial to the IT service provider to apply and implement them both in a correct manner. Some service tools that are associated with the service portfolio to make understand them better will be explained in this project report. In the last, the report would include some recommendation by the effect of which organization can be able to manage its portfolio in an effective and efficient manner. By effectively managing its portfolio IT organizations can generate more profit. ITSM Importance in the NNIT The full form of ITSM is Information Technology Service Management (Thejendra BS., 2008). This term used to define a strategic tactic in relation with the managing, delivering, designing and also enhancing the methods with the help of which IT is to be used to execute the activities of an organization. To attain the goal of an organization it is important for ITSM to make assurance that the right people, right technology and the right process are to be acquired. ITSM makes focus on to satisfy the desire of its customers and fulfil the objective of NNIT in an effective manner (Shen et al., 2012). ITSM includes some features of the organizations like issues, expectation and outcome received from the IT management team. Before implementing ITSM within NIIT, it is basis requirement to identify the zones in which ITSM is working (Pentecost and Andrews, 2013). There are three areas described below: Technical area it involved technology related services that are only made up for particular areas or zones. Organizational services there is a particular specific role in this service in which activities are being performed. For instance, services which includes activities regarding sales (Maizlish and Handler, 2010). Application area this area mainly emphasises on a specific application that is associated with the activities of business. For instance, Email services and ERP services. Here are some framework regarding to the ITSM are as follows: ISO 2000 ITSM has some basic requirement and that is to be described through the ISO 2000. This standard is considered as the universal standard (Lapiedra, Alegre and Chiva, 2011). In spite all this fact, British Standards Institutions established this standard to follow up the required processes that are described in the framework of ITL. Some frameworks like Microsofts Operations Framework are to be supported by ISO 2000. ITIL ( Information Technology Infrastructure Library)It is considered as a set of comprehensive practices for the ITSM which make sure about the IT services arrangement according to the requirement of the business activities. This approach is globally accepted to the ITSM as well as it is acquired by individual as well as business companies in all over the world (Grnroos, 2016). ITSM importances for NNIT are described below: To develop better relation between the IT department as well as primacies of business there are several departments in an organization and they are having different thought in relation with any concept by the effect of which misunderstanding and conflicts arises between the IT department and business department employees (Geum, Shin and Park, 2011). These misunderstandings may sometimes lead to diverting the focus of departments from attainment of goal and disturb all the ongoing activities within the organization. For reducing these types of situation, it is important to implement ITSM in NNIT to eliminate conflicts and develop better relation between these two departments by which they can easily focus on their goal through which the productivity of an organization increase and further that lead to make more revenue (Fischer and Sterzenbach, 2013). Combines organizational processes there are various processes in an organization that are being performed like, managing event, managing issue as well as problem management, in such processes ITSM plays an important role through which these functions can be assimilated in better way with the affect of which NNIT can be able to manage its functions effectively and NNIT can also be able to attain more revenue through this. Develop efficiency ITSM is considered as most important tool for the NNIT by which the overall efficiency of organization will be enhanced that will further lead to better productivity (Corporation, 2014). By developing more efficiency into its operations, NNIT can be capable to get maximum utilization of the resources. Easily Suppliers recognition to recognise their suppliers is considered as most important task for an organization in which ITSM works as an important tool to recognise its suppliers for the organization with the effect of which assembly scope evaluation is being performed in order to acquire the better output which can be take further in future (Cleminson et al., 2007). Apart from the above importance, ITSM is also easily responsible, preventative, repeatable, and stable and process focused (Boronyak, 2014). Process of ITIL The main function of ITIL is to manage as well as offer proper guidance to the services regarding IT apart from this ITIL is an effective approach for NNIT (Conger, 2009). IT services offer a proper set of methods by which assurance can be made regarding optimization of cost as well as many other eco-friendly features are required to be focused upon in an efficient manner. There are various features and processes which are provided by the ITIL. ITIL consists of five stages that are service strategy, service operation, service design, transition of service and service continuous enhancement (Jntti, and Hotti, 2015). Service strategy - First stage of ITIL is service strategy which assists in providing proper guidance in respect with all the processes regarding designing, developing and implementation of several IT service management (Mckinley, 2011). In service strategy, it is assumed that the various planning as well as target which are associated with the market must be recognised by the NNIT. Service design this is second stage of ITIL process in which ITSM processes and functions is to be managed and provide help to the company regarding development and design several approaches by which required support is to be given to the approaches that is going to be initiated in service designing (Pollard, 2010). Service transition in third stage of ITIL process, service transition provide help to the acquaintance of business and to the experts in order to survive in change in an effective manner (Weistroffer, 2011). This stage supports the organization when changes need to be done within NNIT without making any interruption to the other performing operating activities. Service operationthis is fourth stage of ITIL process which provides a relevant set of information in respect to practical aspects of the daily ongoing functions. Department o information Technology has a main aim is to execute functions which are cost effective, reliable, efficient and take less effort. In service operation stage all the services should be delivered to the customers without interrupting other operating services (Thejendra BS., 2008). Service continuous enhancement In every services of the organization or IT department there is always a scope for improvement to make things better. In this phase, service continuous enhancement is considered to be an important aspect for the organization by which some areas or department that need improvement would be initiated (Shen et al., 2012). Thorough this stage of ITIL, NNIT can easily recognise the areas in which improvement can be done to turn up functions most effective by which organization can easily attain its objective. ITIL process provide assistance to the NNIT to compare its achievement in regarding to the service provisions as well as possible enhancement can be executed where needed (Pentecost and Andrews, 2013). Service Strategy Certain set of confusion was being seen in the earlier stages of the ITSM strategies in relation with basic differences between the IT service portfolio and the IT services catalogue (Maizlish and Handler, 2010). Although services portfolio and service catalogue are the two different aspects but both are termed as the important part of the IT organisation. The work that is being done in the service portfolio is completing the work for the clients of the company; for example the project on which the company is working on currently as well as the project in which the use of future proficiency is mostly being done are the projects which are being included in the service portfolio (Lapiedra, Alegre and Chiva, 2011). On the other hand service catalogue stands for the services which are delivered by the organisation so as to fulfil the requirements of the customers these services are time in which the project will be completed, time of the delivery of the products or services to the custom er and the cost of the product and services charged to the customers by the organisation (Grnroos, 2016). These are certain aspects which are being included in the services catalogue. More effective set of information will be availed by evaluating the difference between the IT Services Catalogue and IT service Portfolio the difference between both the aspects is given below: Sr. No. On the basis of IT Service Catalog IT Service Portfolio 1 Definition The catalogue which helps in availing effective as well as defined information related with the IT services and the products which are currently in the active condition in which all the information related with the services as well as products which are going to be launched in near future are also being taken into account are known as service catalogues. Information related with the nature as well as type of the services, objectives which are related with the services, ways in which the services related with the projects will be carried out, cost that would incur in providing the services, time taken so as complete the services and the time at which the services will be delivered is being availed in service catalogue (Corporation, 2014). The process which includes all the documents and the related aspects which are used in the lifecycle of the management of various products as well as services of the IT sector is known as service portfolio (Geum, Shin and Park, 2011). This is the comprehensive document which also includes appropriate set of information related with the products which are being availed to the customer at present time or the products which are still available in the pipeline and the products which are not at all offered to the market (Fischer and Sterzenbach, 2013). 2 Document It could also be said that service catalogue is an outward facing document which is being used for the client of the company or for the end users of the products and services. It could be said that service portfolio is an internal only process in which documents related with the IT services are put in the chronological form and are being used in the internal processes of the company only (Cleminson et al., 2007). 3 Benefits With the help of service catalogue delivery of the services can be optimized. It helps in boosting the efficiency of the IT in which redundancy is being uncovered and also helps in reducing the waste and provides the facilities on the economic scale. It helps in improving the communication with the client. Provides the support system which is more sensible and effective. It ensures that the proper synchronization between the goals of the business and the IT services could be developed. It helps in creating an effective decision making environment. Impact of the services on the business could be accessed with the help of portfolio services (Boronyak, 2014). 4 Perspectives Articulation could be done with the help of the business point of view: With the help or services catalogue the services which are designed for the IT are being designed so as to provide a direct support for the strategic capabilities (Conger, 2009). Various technical services are also being defined so as to provide sustainability to the business. Articulation is being done from the customers point of view: Reason behind why should a customer buys the services which are being availed by the company? Reason behind why customers should prefer to buy the services? The type of the components and the features which are preferred by the customers (Jntti, and Hotti, 2015). Factors that provide assistance to NNIT to execute a service portfolio To assure about the management resource and devotion The cost which incurred in implementing a service portfolio within NNIT is very high (Mckinley, 2011). It consumes additional time not only to describe, explain as well as establish the services but also to manage, enhance and enlarge the IT framework. The main objective of NNIT is IT service provisioning. In spite of that, NNIT not only has one necessity to execute service portfolio within the premises but also to create an investment for expanding business in the recent high competitive environment in order to sustain into the market. It is required to have a defined roles and functions for the properly execution of service portfolio into an organization (Pollard, 2010). The facility of implementation of service portfolio within the organization is provided by the external experts and also provides assistance to execute the project and make it happens as well keeping it lively. To allocate the required resources in a proper mann er is considered as the basic requirement for the organization in order to implement the project. NNIT get help from the hardworking resources as well as management commitment for implementing service portfolio into premises (Weistroffer, 2011). Common service language this is requires to be assumed that the organization change management necessity can be focused at the time of executing a service portfolio as well as service catalog. Organization should hire the experts and consultants who understand the entire stages or process of ITIL, should execute the project of ITSM. At that much expertise is not expected from the other organizational resources (Thejendra BS., 2008). In order to plan, assess as well as explain the service, a common service language is needed with the help of hired expects and owner of service from the different region in ITOS. It is important to define the terms like security level aims, service packages, service and utility and warranty etc. with the help of a vocabulary. The entire is all about describing the difference between service catalog and service portfolio. To develop common service language is important for NNIT to implement service portfolio (Shen et al., 2012). Service Portfolio Tools To manage service portfolios in a proper way acquiring some useful tools by which portfolio can be supervise in an effective manner. These tools are considered as the better management source in order to make better choices in respect with the investment in IT as well as provide proper set of guidance in regarding transformation of Information Technology to provide proper set of support to the nosiness (Pentecost and Andrews, 2013). These are some tools which provide assistance in better management is discussed below: ALFABET is an essential tool to manage the service portfolio. This tool possesses all the features that must be required for the service portfolio management. There are some benefits which are offered by this tool are described as under: ALFABET provides assistance to the business to monitor the service portfolio for providing assurance that the process is to be implemented on the basis of associated business approach for which some demands and capability are needed (Maizlish and Handler, 2010). This tool provides assurance for managing and monitoring the changes occurred in the service portfolio in easier as well as in trustworthy manner. Through this software, organization can be able to recognise the process association of needed changes into the service portfolio by which benefit can be acquired by the organization and also helps to recognize the influence on experts of Information Technology (Lapiedra, Alegre and Chiva, 2011). Through this tool, a relevant set of method is to be provided to the stakeholders functions by offering them a defined role which is suitable for them. With the help of this tool functions can be monitored which are required for service portfolio management. It enhances the overall accountability by authorization the service portfolio to evaluate the portfolio, decision making, data capturing and IT governance. By using this tool, the problem of crashing portfolio is eliminated (Grnroos, 2016). This is one more important tool which helps in managing the service portfolio. This tool is capable to monitor one or more than one service portfolio at one time. In relation to this sorting of status to variables, portfolio construction as well as configuration of portfolio is to be suggested. It includes various advantages and these are as follow: ItmSUITE provides assistance in analysing the configuration, construction and status of service portfolio (Geum, Shin and Park, 2011). Through this portfolio a proper approach is to be developed on which basis right decision regarding the construction of service portfolio is taken. Provides assistance in making proper construction of portfolio. By involving service provides itmSUITE helps to diagnose the approach which needs to be given By involving ITSM within NNIT, it can be able to effectively manage and monitor the service portfolio by which better decision is to be taken regarding the business process. Some years ago, NNIT did not possess latest Information Technology software by which it could easily manage the service portfolio but in present time, if NNIT wants to develop more value it should install the new technology software (Fischer and Sterzenbach, 2013). Clarizen is one of them which provide suitable solution that provide assistance in making better decision. By using this tool investment will be increase on the distribution of resources, decision making as well as recruitment (Corporation, 2014). This tool set particular standards and helps to execute the undertaken processes with the help of which performance is improved of the service portfolio. It provides ease while implementing the process of change by imitating it on the basis of required change which needs to be taken. Provides better approach for project selection as well as also relevant support to KPI process to make it even (Cleminson et al., 2007). Conclusion On the basis of above project report, it is cleared that ITSM is an important tool for the NNIT to make better management of service portfolio and by using his tool implementation of the same is to be done in an effective and efficient manner. To acquire several benefits, NNIT needs to implement ITSM within the premise. ITIL process has also been included in this project report by which life cycle management is to be monitored. The confusion between service portfolio and service catalog has been cleared throughout this paper. For NNIT, it is essential to include all these factors that need to be focused upon. All the process provides assistance to the organization by offering a proper set of information in respect to the products and service that are being provided by the organization at now. It is assumed that all the tools which are described above should be used by the NNIT in order to manage the service portfolio in a better way. 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