Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasion As A Political Leader - 905 Words

In today’s society, we are easily influenced to think and act a certain way. For example, we are influenced by the media to buy things and meet certain standards, however, we often don’t protest or question why. Through persuasion, one alters another’s perspective on an event or occurrence and because of this, people usually tend to accept what is being said or portrayed. According to Petty and Cacioppo (1986), there are two routes to persuasion. When one tries to persuade another by being more caring and have a good understanding of the message they are delivering, this is called the central route to persuasion. The second route to persuasion is better known as the peripheral route to persuasion. This occurs when the one being addressed simply agrees with what is being said based on certain superficial cues rather than the actual message. Political persuasion methods are widely used, especially in campaigns. As a political leader, one detains the ultimate power to influence the population. Being a political leader, however, is never easy. Sometimes, one must make tough decisions that many of the population might not agree on. For instance, if a person in power chose to bomb a foreign country, this would create mayhem and thus his followers or just people in society would start to doubt his decision and may lead to riots. This specific political leader must debate his case and persuade the population that his decision was the right thing to do. In order to do so,Show MoreRelatedPolitical Power1656 Words   |  7 PagesPolitical PowerÂ… Many political philosophers would argue that political science is nothing more than the study of political decision-making and how it affects the daily lives of the populous. Politically, having the ability to influence others is a very strong power that beckons responsibility. 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